Ensuring the health and longevity of your teeth is a top priority at our dental office. We are proud to offer dental sealants as a preventive measure to safeguard your teeth against decay. This is a quick, painless and effective way to protect your smile, especially for children and teenagers who are most prone to cavities.

What Are Dental Sealants?

Dental sealants are a protective coating applied to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth (molars and premolars), where most cavities in children and teens develop. The sealant material quickly bonds into the depressions and grooves of the teeth, forming a protective shield over the enamel of each tooth.

The Process of Applying Dental Sealants

The process of applying dental sealants is simple, fast and pain-free:

  1. Cleaning: The teeth to be sealed are thoroughly cleaned.
  2. Preparation: Each tooth is dried, and an absorbent material is placed around it to keep it dry. A solution is applied to the teeth to roughen them up, which helps the sealant bond to the teeth.
  3. Application: The sealant is then painted onto the tooth enamel, where it bonds directly to the tooth and hardens. Sometimes a special curing light is used to help the sealant harden.

Benefits of Dental Sealants

  • Effective Prevention: Sealants have been shown to reduce the risk of decay in molars by nearly 80%.
  • Long-Lasting Protection: Sealants can protect teeth from decay for up to 10 years with proper care.
  • Cost-Effective: By preventing cavities, sealants save money on future dental treatments.
  • Non-Invasive Procedure: The process is quick, painless and does not require any drilling or removal of tooth structure.

Take a Proactive Step in Oral Health Care

Dental sealants in Grand Rapids, Michigan, are a proactive step in maintaining oral health and preventing future dental issues. If you are interested in this effective preventive treatment for yourself or your children, contact Cascade Family Smiles today at 616-975-9700 to schedule an appointment with our dentist, Dr. Austin Getz. Let us help you maintain a healthy, cavity-free smile for years to come.